Integration Testing using ROS
This topic explains how to run (and extend) PX4's ROS-based integration tests.
MAVSDK Integration Testing is preferred when writing new tests. Use the ROS-based integration test framework for use cases that require ROS (e.g. object avoidance).
All PX4 integraton tests are executed automatically by our Continuous Integration system.
Execute Tests
To run the MAVROS tests:
source <catkin_ws>/devel/setup.bash
cd <PX4-Autopilot_clone>
make px4_sitl_default sitl_gazebo
make <test_target>
is a makefile targets from the set: tests_mission, tests_mission_coverage, tests_offboard and tests_avoidance.
Test can also be executed directly by running the test scripts, located under test/
source <catkin_ws>/devel/setup.bash
cd <PX4-Autopilot_clone>
make px4_sitl_default sitl_gazebo
./test/<test_bash_script> <test_launch_file>
For example:
./test/ mavros_posix_tests_offboard_posctl.test
Tests can also be run with a GUI to see what's happening (by default the tests run "headless"):
./test/ mavros_posix_tests_offboard_posctl.test gui:=true headless:=false
The .test files launch the corresponding Python tests defined in integrationtests/python_src/px4_it/mavros/
Write a New MAVROS Test (Python)
This section explains how to write a new python test using ROS 1/MAVROS, test it, and add it to the PX4 test suite.
We recommend you review the existing tests as examples/inspiration (integrationtests/python_src/px4_it/mavros/). The official ROS documentation also contains information on how to use unittest (on which this test suite is based).
To write a new test:
Create a new test script by copying the empty test skeleton below:
python#!/usr/bin/env python # [... LICENSE ...] # # @author Example Author <[email protected]> # PKG = 'px4' import unittest import rospy import rosbag from sensor_msgs.msg import NavSatFix class MavrosNewTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Test description """ def setUp(self): rospy.init_node('test_node', anonymous=True) rospy.wait_for_service('mavros/cmd/arming', 30) rospy.Subscriber("mavros/global_position/global", NavSatFix, self.global_position_callback) self.rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz self.has_global_pos = False def tearDown(self): pass # # General callback functions used in tests # def global_position_callback(self, data): self.has_global_pos = True def test_method(self): """Test method description""" # FIXME: hack to wait for simulation to be ready while not self.has_global_pos: self.rate.sleep() # TODO: execute test if __name__ == '__main__': import rostest rostest.rosrun(PKG, 'mavros_new_test', MavrosNewTest)
Run the new test only
Start the simulator:
shcd <PX4-Autopilot_clone> source Tools/simulation/gazebo/setup_gazebo.bash roslaunch launch/mavros_posix_sitl.launch
Run test (in a new shell):
shcd <PX4-Autopilot_clone> source Tools/simulation/gazebo/setup_gazebo.bash rosrun px4
Add new test node to a launch file
- In
create a new<test_name>.test
ROS launch file. - Call the test file using one of the base scripts or
- In
(Optional) Create a new target in the Makefile
- Open the Makefile
- Search the Testing section
- Add a new target name and call the test
For example:
shtests_<new_test_target_name>: rostest @"$(SRC_DIR)"/test/ mavros_posix_tests_<new_test>.test
Run the tests as described above.